Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rees Park in Americus on a Beautiful Day

Today was gorgeous, so, I took a walk across the street to Rees Park. This is the view down our driveway looking towards the park. There is a beautiful Japanese magnolia in the park.
This is the view through the magnolia looking at the Confederate statue in Rees Park which stands guard as a memorial to Lucius Rees, son of Dr. Albert Rees, who died during the "War Between the States".

As I walked back towards the house, I was taken by how incredible our house truly is.

As I got closer, I could really appreciate all of the work we have done on the house.
The December/Winter project is almost completed. Next post I do will have the photos of the latest siding and beadboard that are finished.
Coming back up the driveway, I was greeted by the daffodils all in a row.

Thanks for joining me for a quick stroll across the street to Rees Park and back. Wishing you a day of sunshine and flowers.

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