Saturday, June 18, 2011

Glorious June Day in Americus

Finally a beautiful day with temperatures below 90 degrees.A perfect opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty outside.
And share our beautiful home with you.
New stargazer lilies seem to be opening every minute.
The waterlilies are in bloom.
A single pomegranate shows itself on the tree by the gazebo.
The Brown Turkey fig tree
is loaded with figs.
The persimmon tree
is so loaded with fruit that the branches are drooping.

This will be our first crop of persimmons. They are fuyu, non-astringent, persimmons which according to what I have read can be eaten like apples, when ripe. I'll keep you posted!

Unfortunately, our blueberry bushes are not doing well. We asked the agricultural extension agent, Bill Starr, to take a look. He took some photos as he had not seen blueberry bushes with this particular affliction. Hopefully, he can get some help from UGA for us.

Thanks for visiting the Americus Garden Inn blog. Hope you are enjoying your Father's Day weekend. Happy Fathers' Day!

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