Sunday, July 12, 2009

July in the Garden at Americus Garden Inn

The gardens at the Americus Garden Inn Bed and Breakfast are looking beautiful. Here are some photos I took recently in the garden.

This is a beautiful example of Little Business Daylilies.

Here is a photo of the view from the back porch on a recent sunny day. The vitex tree is in full bloom and absolutely gorgeous.

Here is a variety of echinacea you might not have seen before, Kim's knee high.

We have crinum lilies in white and pink.

This variety of canna is called canna tropicana. The foliage is brightly colored as are the flowers.

Hope you enjoyed the visit to our garden. I'll try to post some additional photos soon. If you would love to see the garden in person, make a reservation to stay at the Americus Garden Inn Bed & Breakfast. We'd love to share our garden paradise with you.